Holden Cup Coach Scott Murray has finalised his side for the match against the Tigers this afternoon at ANZ Stadium.
The match will kick-off at 12.45pm with live updates coming through Twitter on @NRL_Bulldogs
The side for the match is as follows:
1. Marcelo Montoya
2. Dujuan Liolevave
3. Michael Morgan
4. Renouf To’omaga
5. Tautalatasi Tasi
6. Brendan Cox
7. Guy Hamilton
8. Jake Kamire
9. Robbie Kamoto
10. Herman Ese’ese
21. Aaron Pene
12. Shaun Lane
13. Brandon Luamanu
14. Alex Sorge
15. Darcy Maroske
16. Chad McGill
19. Avia Minute