Holden Cup Coach Scott Murray has finalised his side for the match against the Warriors at Eden Park.
The match will kick-off at 11.45am (AEST) live updates coming through Twitter on @NRL_Bulldogs
The side for the match is as follows:
1. Kyle Krisanski-Kennedy
2. Dujuan Liolevave
3. Sam Gerrey-Burgess
4. Michael Morgan
5. Aaron Pene
14. Brad Keighran
7. Guy Hamilton
8. Danny Fualalo
9. Robbie Kamoto
10. Brock Cope
11. Shaun Lane
12. Adam Elliott ©
13. Jack Creighton
20. Ali Allouche
15. Renouf To’omaga
16. Brendon Luamanu
17. Jake Kamire